Read Coburn in a Business Suit

About Me – Professionally

Hi there! My name is Read (yes, just like “read a book”). I love education and performance development! One could say I am a bit of a nerd for education technology and instructional design. Since 2012, I have worked in various roles in the education industry as instructor, academic director, teacher trainer, and (most recently) instructional designer. I fell in love with instructional design through my years of front-line work in classrooms and behind the scenes designing learning experiences for learners. For me, there is nothing more rewarding than helping others achieve their goals with inspirational learning experiences and performance support.

Read Coburn hiking on top of a mountain

About Me – Personally

I have travelled across the globe, experiencing other cultures and learning various perspectives of life. I love getting out into nature and escaping the bustle of the cities. You can usually find me hiking, climbing, or performing any other outdoor adventure sport. Nature conservation is a strong passion of mine. However, I also love the energy of cities. I love meeting new people and working in fast-paced environments. I believe the best way to solve any problem is through collaboration.

